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Brands Support LGBT for Business

5 Jun 2013

The pink dollar was worth an estimated $790 million, according to an estimate from the Human Rights Campaign. In Europe, the pink pound is estimated to be worth £500 million. Data has shown consistently for the last few years that LGBT couples have significantly greater spending power.

So it should come as no surprise that more and more brands are now vocally supporting LGBT equality, either by participating in pride celebrations, showing rainbow colours, or including gay and lesbian people in ads.

We’ve seen ads featuring LGBT from major brands including Ikea, Siemens, Barclay’s, Guinness, JC PEnny, Abercrombie, and French Connection in the past 12 months.

Even more encouraging is the diversity of the characters portrayed in these ads, and the positive messages shared about gay families, gay soldiers, and ordinary lesbians and gays.