About Us

Our Story
We started off over a decade ago as Pink! AccuraCast – a wholly owned subsidiary of digital marketing agency, AccuraCast. Back then we helped brands engage gay and lesbian consumers with inclusive messaging.
Since then, our own brand and mission have evolved…
Our purpose
Our mission is to help brands be more open to LGBTQ+
Author Ernest J. Gaines once asked, “why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?”
This question has never been more pertinent in the world of marketing, where brands are still afraid to vocally and visibly support equality.
We want to help brands break down barriers, take a stance, and be open for business from all.
We’ve got attitude, style, charisma and pizzazz. Not to mention creativity, innovation and brains - with years of experience in digital marketing.
We’re transforming the way businesses market to gay and lesbian consumers. It’s about creating a buzz and delivering results.
We're all about the LGBTQ+. Not second class citizens. Consumers with a voice and we’re giving them what they want. Nothing short of the best.